Teemy Saksala on: Probing an unknown elastic body with waves that scatter once: An inverse problem in anisotropic elasticity.

Here is a link to the recording of Teemu Saksala‘s talk on “Probing an unknown elastic body with waves that scatter once: An inverse problem in anisotropic elasticity” from September 9, 2020.

Recording: https://ncsu.zoom.us/rec/share/o7F-1Ijq8MPQzmQO-1WIQlMfEc0c21Sj6hkEKWgOaBOM-OjxfHmgZPf1-0j2Lj3B.-xlT8GhLeD44TlCa
Access Password: 6bw^mVBr
The slides are also available:
Geo&Top seminar

Published in NCSU.